2017년 5월 31일 수요일

Yandex Translate - how to translate full app

We're trying to make an app that a user selects the language before beginning and then the app is translated for the user throughout. 

Using Yandex Translate, here's what we did so far:

1. Set a variable called "global languageCode"
2. Created a Spinner to select the language with multiple languages listed
3. Called the Yandex Translate

How do we get that call to propagate to all pages?

generally use TinyDB to pass values between screens

but the question is, why do you need different screens?

Use different screens wisely
Before starting to create another screen, first you should think about is it really necessary? See also Building apps with many screens and SteveJG's post about advantages/disadvantagesbecause in only one screen you also can use vertical arrangements to simulate different screens, just set the arrangements to visible = true/false as needed... See also Martyn_HK's example about how to use Tabs in App Inventor and another example from Cyd.
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor

FAQ for TinyDB and Screens

Root Checker Extension v1

I'm excited to release my second extension: Root Checker
This extension allows you to:
⦁ check if phone is rooted
⦁ execute Shell commands
⦁ display executed commands' output
This extension unlocks a variety of new things and it can prove to be very useful for the community.
Please provide feedbacks. I have successfully tested on my friend's rooted phone.

(isRooted has been updated to IsRooted as suggested by @Taifun)
Download Extension
⦁ Version 2: RootChecker_v2.aix (6.8 KB)
⦁ Version 1: RootChecker_v1.aix (5.0 KB)
It's always good to be up-to-date with the latest extension. But I have provided download links for old versions as well.

⦁ AIA (version 2): (will be available soon)
⦁ AIA (version 1): Root_v1.aia (6.6 KB)

For latest info and support about this extension, I'd encourage you to look here.

I have a mobile not rooteado, and it says to me that it is not rooted, so at the moment well, then I will probraré with one rooteado to see what happens

great to see you working on something useful now...
keep up the good work!

Would you help me with my code?

I'm trying to make an extension which executes shell commands. I'm stuck at common Java errors which I can't figure out.

In the rooteado if I get that it is rooted, so it works !!
Thank you for your contribution!

Would you help me with my code?
if I know the answer... ;-)

for question about working with the App Inventor sources please ask in the Open Source group here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/app-inventor-open-source-dev

@Pavitra: App Inventor uses some naming conventions, see also the document How to add a Component, which is the camel case notation, see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case

for Properties, methods and events, UpperCamelCase is used
for input parameter lowerCamelCase is used

which means, if you like to follow these standards (which is the recommendation), then the correct method name would be IsRooted (first letter = capital letter)

and if you want to provide a more complete method to check if the device is rooted, then you might want to take a look at these stackoverflow answers Determine if running on a rooted device ...

Thanks @Taifun for informing me that. I have updated my extension and also added "Execute Shell commands" method and event.

Is the version in your first post current?

I tried it in the stock AI2 emulator and it said it was rooted,
but no shell commands came back with results.

See attached. 

@Taifun suggested me to run "Execute" method asynchronously, so I've been working on it to fix this.

@ABG I just built the new extension v3 for testing. Would you like test it? http://community.thunkable.com/t/testers-needed-for-root-checker-extension/1680?u=pavi2410

I tried a few user level commands in the stock AI2 emulator ...

ls  works, but I find it really bare bones (no -? or -al option from my unix days); I had to add slashes at the end of its directory names to go further down them. i.e.
ls sdcard/Appinventor/assets/  to see my Companion cruft in the emulator.  No file attributes, no create or modify dates.  But still usable.

date works.  

cat works on txt files, to standard output.

rm works.

No wild cards are accepted.

No error message output.
No error codes.

su       gave no response
su ls   gave no response.

To summarize, at the minimum there's enough here to write a directory explorer and cleanup utility.

If you are extending the functionality of this, consider adding two more outputs to the event,
in addition to the commandOutput:

errorCode  (0 = okay, other = error)
errorOutput  (secondary output stream of error text)

(This is based on my experience with unix shells.  I don't know if Android supplies these.)

Thanks @ABG for pointing out the errors.

As a Windows user, I do not know much about Linux commands. I only know what codecademy.com taught me - just the basics. So, I did not test it completely. I will try to implement the things you suggested.


How to Create A Root Checker App in MIT & How to make app that requires Root.

I want some Help in creating app to Check Root permission in MIT & How to make app that requires Root Permission.

try Pavrita's extension here Root Checker Extension v1

Thanks For your help.
Can you tell me that I am making a app wps pin tester and I want to know that how can I find that the router is wps enabled and how to Check pins on the particular router.

there are no such methods available in App Inventor
you could write your own extension and create a block yourself...

more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...


QR Code Reader Error

i want to ask why to make QR Code Reader Apps i always got this error when try to run the apps on my handphone

 ->error 1501 your device does not have a scanning application installed

Do i still have to install XZing Barcode Scanner ? Like this tutorial 

uncheck the UseExternalScanner property
